Data Protection
Data Protection and GDPR
The Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) apply to all RNCM activities and processes involving personal data. Our approach to protecting data at the RNCM is:
- Being open about how we use information
- Not keeping it for any longer than necessary
- Making sure it is accurate and safe
- Knowing what we have and what we can do with it
- Identifying data breaches and knowing what to do.
Please see also our statement on privacy.
Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act (2000) provides a general right of access to information held by public bodies, including colleges and universities, subject to certain exemptions; this is promote openness and accountability.
Our FOI Policy, FOI Complaints Procedure, DPA policy and Records Management Policy are available under Downloads on this page.
If the information you are looking for is not accessible you can request it in a different format. Please contact the Executive Projects Officer in writing for further information:
Executive Projects Officer
Royal Northern College of Music
124 Oxford Road
M13 9RD