Qualifications on Entry
International Undergraduates
In general, a secondary school certificate that shows successful completion of university entry level education will be acceptable for entry to our BMus Programmes.
Below is a list of qualifications that we may accept, but it is not exhaustive. You can check your qualifications with the Admissions Team if you are unsure.
Some RNCM programmes have a higher academic requirement. If you’re unsure, please check your qualifications with our Admissions Team.
Requirements by Country/Region
Country/Region | Requirements |
Australia | School leaving certificates, such as NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC), Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or equivalent |
Austria | Matura / Reifeprüfung |
Canada | School leaving certificates, such as Secondary School Graduation Diploma, Diplôme d’Etudes collégiales or equivalent |
China | Senior Secondary School Graduation Certificate (高中毕业证书), or National University Entrance Examination (高考) |
Cyprus | Apolytirion |
Denmark | Studentereksamen (Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination) |
Europe | European Baccalaureate |
Finland | Matriculation Examination (Ylioppilastutkinto / Studentexamen) |
France | Baccalauréat (Général/OIB) |
Germany | Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Abitur) |
Greece | Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) |
India | Higher Secondary School Certificate |
Indonesia | Senior Secondary School Graduation (SMA, MA, SMK or MAK) |
International | International Baccalaureate or the IBCP |
Ireland | Leaving Certificate |
Israel | Bagrut |
Italy | Diploma di Esame di Stato |
Japan | Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate |
Latvia | Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību (Certificate of General Secondary Education) |
Malaysia | Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan (STPM) (except Kertas Am) |
Netherlands | Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs |
New Zealand | University Entrance Certificate with National Certificate of Educational Achievement (Level 3) |
Norway | Vitnemål fra den videregående skole (Certificate of Upper Secondary Education) |
Portugal | Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação / Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação |
Singapore | Singapore-Cambridge GCE A level |
South Africa | National Senior Certificate |
South Korea | High School Diploma |
Spain | Título de Bachiller |
Sweden | Fullstandigt Slutbetyg, Avgångsbetyg or Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola |
Switzerland | Gymnasialer Maturitätsausweis, certificat de maturité gymnasiale, attestato di maturità liceale (Baccalaureate) |
Taiwan | Normally a High School certificate/diploma plus one year’s university-level study |
Thailand | Certificate of Secondary Education |
USA | High School Graduation Diploma |
International Postgraduates
For entry to most of PG programmes, we usually ask for a Bachelor’s degree (Honours) equivalent. If you’re unsure, please check your qualifications with our Admissions Team.