Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation expands support of RNCM
We are delighted to announce that the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation is to expand its support of the RNCM.
The Foundation, which started its association with the College in 2015, has pledged a total of £30,000 to include postgraduate vocal scholarships and a grant towards the RNCM’s award-winning Pathfinder programme.
Together, these awards will ensure that young musicians can reach their potential and overcome barriers to their progression.
Professor Lynne Dawson, Head of Vocal Studies and Opera, said: ‘We are delighted that the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation will continue to support outstanding British postgraduates at the RNCM.
Our students are facing unprecedented challenges as a result of the pandemic so we are immensely grateful to be able to award these scholarships and provide vital stability for their studies.’
Jennie Henley, Director of Programmes, said: ‘The pandemic has had such a detrimental impact on music education across the UK. The support from the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation means that we are now in a position to help even more young musicians via RNCM Pathfinder and open up opportunities for music training and performance at this challenging time.’
Founded by Lord Lloyd Webber in 1992, The Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation strives to promote the arts, culture and heritage for the public benefit. Since 2011 it has awarded £20.5M to projects that focus on the enhancement of arts education and participation, improving access and increasing diversity.
17 February 2021