Bryan Fox

Student Counsellor
BA(Hons) Dip.Couns. HonRNCM
Email: [email protected]
- Provision of counselling service to RNCM students
- Collating Counselling Service data and assisting with preparation of periodic returns and annual report
- Occasional assistance with French language coaching for vocal students
On completing a degree in French Studies at Lancaster, where he had met John Manduell, the University’s Director of Music, Bryan accepted the offer of a six-month contract to work with the RNCM’s Founding Principal while he began setting up the new college. Over forty years and several changes of role later, Bryan is now involved in helping to provide support for current students through the College Counselling Service.
During his time at the RNCM, Bryan has been involved in several different departments, involving dealings with room bookings, external hirings, front of house, student admissions, human resources, work in the Library and the College archives, as well as language coaching for singers.
For the last eighteen years Bryan has spent most of his time at the College in helping to provide the Counselling Service for students. He has also been grateful for opportunities to work with the casts of recent French opera seasons as well as those involved in opera excerpts. He derives nearly as much satisfaction and considerable enjoyment from running the Didsbury Coffee Concert series which began in 1987 and has hosted some of the RNCM’s leading student performers and chamber ensembles.