Jean Ammar

Photo of Jean Ammar

Head of English Language Support

SFHEA, PhD, MEd (TESOL), Dip TESOL, MA (Victorian Studies), BA (Hons), Dip Management

Email: [email protected]

Professor Jean Ammar is a member of the School of Academic Studies Staff and has been the English Language Support Tutor at the College since 1995. She provides in-sessional language support for international students throughout the year and is also Course Convenor of the RNCM Pre-sessional which runs July – August each year. She is the recipient of two HEA funded student-led teaching awards including Support Staff of the Year awarded in 2015 and was joint recipient of the RNCM Teaching award scheme in 2012. Together with the Head of International Relations, Jean developed the Read with the World Project, a project which involves international and home students working together with the aim of developing language skills and exchanging cultural information. In 2016 this project won the Times Higher Education Award for Outstanding International Strategy.

Jean qualified as a teacher in 1977 and has taught English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) in the UK and overseas. She taught ESOL at the University of Manchester and was later Director of Studies for General English courses at the University Language Centre. She has also worked as an examiner and Team Leader for the University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate as well as other ESOL examinations.

Jean’s doctoral research was concerned with interpersonal communication in educational contexts from an historical and contemporary perspective. Her research interests include nineteenth-century Manchester and Victorian literature.

Jean became a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2012 and a Senior Fellow in 2015.