Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra

Our Professional Experience Scheme with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra gives conducting students the opportunity to act as assistant conductor to the orchestra and its associated contemporary music group, Ensemble 1010.

In Europe and North America it’s usual for professional orchestras to have full-time assistant conductors, who will often be Masters graduates in the early years of their career. This type of position is less commonplace in the UK, and through this scheme with the RLPO, the RNCM’s Junior Fellow in Conducting and Masters degree students have the chance to fulfil this role on a rotational basis.

Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra

Credit Mark McNulty

Assistantships usually last for one week of the orchestra’s schedule and the assistant attends all of the rehearsals and performances for that ‘patch’, listening from the auditorium, being a second pair of ears, and advising the conductor on balance issues. Occasionally they may be called upon to conduct for a short while in a rehearsal, if the conductor wants to listen to the sound in the Hall. Each student will normally have 3 assistantships in each year of their programme.

This is a tremendous opportunity for the students to acquire experience with a professional orchestra. As well as the obvious musical benefits, the opportunity to network and build relationships with the RLPO’s management, Music Director, guest conductors, and soloists is invaluable.