RNCM Young Percussion

Workshops for percussionists aged 8 – 18 with at least one year of playing experience, led by RNCM percussion tutors, students, and special guests.

What is RNCM Young Percussion?
RNCM Young Percussion is a series of free workshops on percussion playing. It is a chance to meet other players and receive expert tuition and advice in a relaxed atmosphere. The sessions will
be participatory so expect plenty of playing.

What happens during the workshops?
The sessions are intended to complement your existing lessons and will offer expert guidance on a range of percussive topics including Orchestral percussion techniques, Solo playing, Ensemble skills, Rudimental drumming/drum corps and World music.

Past guests have included:
Arthur Lipner New York jazz based vibraphonist and composer
David Hext Principal Percussion, Hallé Orchestra
Mark Concar freelance percussionist and director LMT Percussion Ensemble
Evans drumheads and Promark sticks

Sessions will include massed percussion ensembles, ‘meet the expert’ clinics, and the opportunity to perform in classes with feedback from RNCM tutors.

Who can take part?
Anyone aged 8 – 18 with at least one year of playing experience.

How can I find out more?
Visit rncm.ac.uk/youngpercussion for further details and [email protected] to book your place.

Upcoming Workshops

Sunday 20 October
Sunday 19 January
Sunday 23 February