Josef Edoardo Mossali (Italy)

Josef Edoardo Mossali (Italy)

Josef Edoardo Mossali

Josef Edoardo Mossali was born in 2001. He studied at the Conservatory of Bergamo with Marco Giovanetti and Massimiliano Motterle before joining the Imola Academy where he currently studies with Boris Petrushansky.

He has performed for the Società dei Concerti of Milano in Sala Verdi, the Società del Quartetto in Milan, the Primo Riccitelli Society in Teramo, at the Barletta Piano Festival, the GIA Concert Association in Brescia, at the Fazioli Piano Factory and at the International Piano Festival of Brescia and Bergamo where he was named young musical talent of the year in 2018. He has played under the baton of Pier Carlo Orizio, Fabrizio Maria Carminati, Roberto Frattini and Alberto Martini (at the I Virtuosi Italiani concert season in Verona).

Josef has won First Prize in the following competitions: the 15th edition of Premio Nazionale delle Arti, the Piano Competition Marco Bramanti, the Forte dei Marmi, the J S Bach City of Sestri Levante, the 20th International Music Competition of Cortemilia, the Piano Competition City of Riccione; the Piano competition Città di Giussano, the D Scarlatti Piano Competition in Carpenedolo, and the National Piano Competition Città Piove di sacco. He won Second Prize in the Sigismund Thalberg International Piano Competition in Naples in June of this year. He was a semi-finalist in the Antonio Mormone International Prize in 2021, announced by the Società dei Concerti in Milan.