Linda Ruan (Canada)

Linda Ruan (Canada)

Photo of Linda Ruan

Named one of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s Hot 30 under 30 Canadian Classical Musicians, Chinese-Canadian pianist Linda Ruan is passionate about sharing music to overcome boundaries across cultures. Since being introduced to the drums at the age of four and the piano soon after, music remained a stabilizing force in her childhood from Tokyo, Shanghai to Vancouver. Her unconventional path from a young age cultivated a fascination with cultures. Her curiosity guided her beyond her solo piano studies, expanding to music pedagogy, community engagement, and chamber music projects. Linda is a top prize winner in a number of international piano competitions including the Lancaster International Piano Competition, and the ARD International Music Competition.

Linda received her Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degrees from The Glenn Gould School, The Juilliard School, and the Tianjin Juilliard School respectively. Her past teachers include James Anagnoson, Hung-Kuan Chen, Xiao Li, Li Wang, and Xiaohan Wang. Currently, she is studying at the UBC School of Music with Corey Hamm.