PRiSM Software

A summary of PRiSM software projects

Click on the thumbnails below to read more about each project, including links to code and additional resources.

PRiSM Musical Audio Gesture Recognition (AGR)

A machine-listening interface designed to recognise and classify real-time audio input.


A computer-assisted music compositional tool using Machine Learning.

Build a PRiSM JavaScript App

Build a PRiSM JavaScript App based on the PRiSM Oscillator with three step-by-step tutorials

PRiSM Oscillator

Christopher Melen and Nina Whiteman write about their collaboration on the new PRiSM Oscillator app for Nina’s composition Escape!

PRiSM Perception App

A generic tool for mobile devices that can be configured for concerts, presentations and experiments.

Numbers into Notes

Interactive software inspired by music, maths and Ada Lovelace.