Paris-Manchester 1918
Conservatoires in time of war
18th April 1918 (Frank Merrick)
Frank comments on Debussy’s recent death and alludes to Hope’s eventful train journey. (P1 – see Hope Squire’s letter dated 10 April 1918)
Frank discusses influence of Beethoven and reflects on his time in prison positively. (P2)
Credit: University of Bristol Library, Special Collections (DM2103)
And so Debussy is dead – and unlike Reger he has not left such stacks of works behind him; how much poorer the present seems without the immediate prospect we so lately enjoyed of seeing exquisite creations drop off the point of his pen. What a lot you cull out of a railway journey, wherever you go!
Do you think it would increase your influence if you gave a recital? There are so many works Manchester never hears as you would play them, and so many more it never hears at all. Of course I know you are over-worked already, but if you took this step some of the things would have to go. Anyhow, please give the subject full and serious attention.